

Discover the most important features of the email marketing platform that help you improve your email marketing strategies and increase conversions.

Your data hosted in Europe

Teenvio is a Spanish email marketing company that fully complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the only Spanish company that can offer you this level of security:

  1. Our offices are located in Madrid
  2. The application is 100% developed in Spain with proprietary code
  3. The servers are hosted by Telefónica in Madrid
  4. Backup servers are hosted by OVH in France
  5. There is no data transfer to the USA or non-European companies
  6. We handle personal data in accordance with the GDPR
Step 1
Design your Newsletter
You have multiple ways to create and design your newsletters:
  • Visual Editor
  • Free Templates
  • Import Newsletters in HTML
  • Import Newsletters from the Web using the URL
  • Create Newsletters via RSS
Carga y agrupa tus contactos para email marketing - teenvio
Step 2
Upload your contacts
Multiple ways to upload and create your mailing lists:
  • Via web form
  • Import/Export Excel, CSV
  • Create distribution lists or group by campaigns
  • Add custom fields
Carga y agrupa tus contactos para email marketing - teenvio
Envía campañas de email marketing con teenvio
Step 3
Send the Campaign
Before sending, you can perform a spam test or simply send the campaign directly:
  • Spam Test
  • Integration with Analytics and social media
  • Scheduling of send date and time
Envía campañas de email marketing con teenvio
Mide los resultados de la campaña de email marketing - teenvio
Step 4
Analyze the campaign's impact
Once the campaign is sent, you can track the results with visual statistics:
  • Real-time statistics
  • Statistics by contact, opens, and devices
  • Newsletter heat maps
  • Campaign comparison tool
Mide los resultados de la campaña de email marketing - teenvio

Subscription forms and landing pages

One of the most important features of email marketing is the ability to combine forms and landing pages to create the perfect tool for subscriber acquisition.

  • Subscription pages
  • Contact capture pages
  • Event registration pages

With the visual editor, you can create, edit, and publish responsive landing pages with forms for your advertising campaigns in just a few minutes, without needing programming or design knowledge.

  • Visual editor
  • Responsive templates
  • Fully customizable
  • Secure data transmission via HTTPS

Contact segmentation and personalization

Personalize information and tag your contacts using custom fields and labels. Group them into different subscription lists through segmented searches or based on statistical results from previous campaigns.

  • Subscriber list management
  • Tools for optimizing, importing, and grouping contacts
  • Custom auxiliary fields
  • Contact tagging and statistics per contact

Deliverability and reputation

Deliverability refers to the ability of an email to reach the recipient’s inbox.

Sender reputation refers to how email providers and spam filters evaluate a sender.

Using an email marketing service like Teenvio, which provides tracking information and performance analysis, is essential to ensure good deliverability and reputation. This is crucial for emails to reach recipients’ inboxes and be considered legitimate.


Automation in email marketing allows you to schedule and personalize tasks based on a set of predefined rules or user behavior, triggering automated actions that include, among others:

  • Sending emails and SMS messages
  • Welcome emails
  • Cart abandonment emails
  • Birthday greetings
  • Assigning contacts to different lists based on behavior
  • Updating contact database information

APIs and Integrations

APIs and integrations are designed for developers and allow connecting Teenvio to transfer data or automate functions with other applications such as e-commerce systems, CRM, data analytics platforms, or the client’s own applications.

Some common functions that can be automated through integrations and APIs include:

  • Creating and managing contacts and distribution lists, sending campaigns, managing senders, etc.
  • Sending transactional emails, configuring webhooks, etc.
  • Sending transactional messages, SMS campaigns, etc.
  • Connecting and syncing with other databases

Transactional emails

A transactional email is an email sent automatically based on a customer’s action, such as a password request, a purchase, etc. These are powerful touchpoints between your customers and your business.

Your own domain

You can send emails from your own domain. Using your own URL ensures you have a dedicated outbound channel, which also improves the deliverability of your campaigns.

Dedicated IPs

Dedicated IPs improve deliverability, security, and speed of email marketing. They are for your exclusive use and are not shared with other plans or users.


We offer the most comprehensive visual statistics on the market. Discover what happens with your sent emails: open rates, bounce rates, unsubscribes, link engagement, open times, social media interactions, and much more.


Unique features of Teenvio


Customized and certified PDF





Certified emails


Security Plus and backup engine


White label and multi-plan

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